Hello Internet!
I'm Atharva (he/him). I'm a PhD student at UT Austin working with Swarat Chaudhuri. I am also a Visiting Student Researcher at Caltech working with Yisong Yue. My research focuses on neurosymbolic algorithms for visual reasoning and scientific discovery .
Previously, I was at UIUC where I worked on neurosymbolic learning with Madhusudhan Parthasarathy and approximate algorithms for probabilistic programming with Sasa Misailovic.
Feel free to reach out to me at: [email protected]
I'll be talking about LaSR at the CHAIR workshop on LLMs for Maths and Programming at Chalmers University! [Link] -
I'll be talking about Neurosymbolic Programming and LaSR at the Neurosymbolic Programming Summer School![Link] -
I'll be at ICLR'24 presenting our poster on COSMOS! -
I'll be talking about Neurosymbolic Programming at the InterNSE workshop at ICSE! [Link] -
COSMOS Accepted to ICLR'2024! (AR: 30%) -
I'll be at NeurIPS'23 presenting our poster on COSMOS! [Link] -
I'll be at POPL'23 for the Neurosymbolic Programming Tutorial![Link] -
I'll be at NeurIPS'22 presenting our poster on Neurosymbolic Programming for Science![Link] -
VDP Accepted to IJCAI'2022! (AR: 15%) -
Moving to UT Austin! -
Graduated from UIUC! -
Statheros Accepted to DAC'2021! (AR: 23%)