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Atharva Sehgal

[email protected]


PhD in Computer Science, University of Texas Austin
Advisor: Swarat Chaudhuri. Focus on neuro-symbolic algorithms for visual reasoning and scientific discovery. Also in program synthesis, computer vision, and foundation models.
August 2021 - Present
B.S. in Computer Science, University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
Graduated with high honors. Minor in Linguistics. James Scholar.
August 2017 - May 2021


Jacob Laurel, Rem Yang, Atharva Sehgal, Shubham Ugare, Sasa Misailovic


Trishul Lab, UT Austin
Graduate Researcher
June 2021 - Present
Developing neuro-symbolic techniques for visual reasoning, program synthesis, and structured learning. Working on foundational models for visual reasoning and scientific discovery.
Madhusudhan Parthasarathy's Group, UIUC
Undergraduate Researcher
August 2020 - May 2021
Developed a novel dataset of visual discrimination puzzles (VDPs). Used Python/PyTorch/Tensorflow to develop and test computer vision models to achieve state-of-the-art performance on VDPs. Utilized few shot classification models like a scene-graph generator (Mask RCNN backbone), an object detector (YOLO backbone), a VAE prototypical model, and a triplet-loss contrastive model.
Sasa Misailovic's Group, UIUC
Undergraduate Researcher
February 2020 - December 2021
Formulated and engineered a compiler for efficient low-precision probabilistic programming in C++17. Developed experiments for the project and built a testbench measuring power usage, accuracy, and runtime on various platforms.
Data Science Intern
May 2018 - August 2018
Implemented three features for conversion rate (CVR) and click-through rate prediction models extensively used within InMobi. These features were based on hierarchical clustering of geospatial data and organic installs. Results and analysis used to improve CVR prediction models.


Neural Distillation of Transformers December 2022
Engineered an algorithm for automatically synthesizing a program given any reference transformer implementation. Used library learning to discover common programs and construct program abstractions.
Programmatic Structured Pruning of CNNs May 2022
Developed a tensor programming language to describe any CNN network and designed a novel synthesis mechanism to hierarchically distill a CNN into an executable program. Achieved a 98% compression ratio with only a 1% accuracy drop on the CoCo dataset.
EuclidTrainer December 2021
Utilized Euclidean geometry for calculating precise 3D pose estimations from 2D pose estimation models for static videos. Applied this to create a weight training recommendation algorithm.

Technical Strengths

Computer Languages: Python, C, C++14, Haskell, HTML/CSS/JavaScript, OCaml
Frameworks: PyTorch/TensorFlow/Scipy, Pandas/Dask, NetworkX, Coq/Lean, Z3, Pyro

Outreach, Service, and Talks

Academic Reviewing
ICML (2023)
NeurIPS (2022, 2023)
ICLR (Neurosymbolic Generative Models) (2022)
Tutorial on Neurosymbolic Programming POPL, 2023
Tutorial on Neurosymbolic Programming Neurosym Summer School, 2022
College Math Prep (Co-Instructor) Coleman State Prison (FA23)
DiRP: Neurosymbolic Programming (Instructor) UT Austin (FA23, SP23)
Honors: Embedded Systems (TA) UIUC (SP20)
Honors: Algorithms for String Processing (TA) UIUC (FA20, SP21)
Data Structures and Algorithms (TA) UIUC (FA19, SP20, FA20, SP21)
Discrete Mathematics (TA) UIUC (FA20)

Relevant Coursework

Computer Vision, Robot Learning, Program Synthesis, Data Driven Algorithm Design, Programming Languages, Trustworthy ML